Kings County Spousal Support Lawyer

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Kings County Spousal Support Attorney

In the state of California, spousal support in a divorce, otherwise known as alimony, is a payment given from one divorcing or separating spouse to the other. These legal situations can be tricky, and emotions and tensions can run high. When faced with this predicament, you need the legal counsel of a Kings County spousal support lawyer.

Every divorce case is different, and every case of spousal support comes with its own set of complexities and nuances. The reality is that this area of law can be complicated, and it is essential that you do not try to handle negotiations alone. Having an experienced family law attorney on your side during this time will not only allow you peace of mind but also offer you the chance to obtain the support you deserve.

What Is Spousal Support in Kings County?

In the event of a divorce in California, there are three main types of spousal support you might find yourself entitled to, depending on the unique circumstances of your marriage and subsequent divorce. Each type is different and is often dependent upon the paying spouse’s ability to pay and the receiving spouse’s financial need. The three main types of spousal support in the state of California include:

  • Temporary Spousal Support is a monetary payment that is made by the spouse who is considered to have a higher earning than the former spouse during the divorce proceedings in order to provide the lower-earning spouse financial support. However, once the divorce is finalized, the payment ends, and a permanent spousal support agreement can go into effect.
  • Permanent Spousal Support is a monetary payment that is also referred to as long-term spousal support. This is ongoing financial support paid by one spouse to their former supported spouse. This type differs in the sense that this support lasts after the divorce is finalized and is paid by the higher-earning spouse to the other so that they might continue their marital standard of living.
  • Lump Sum Spousal Support is a single monetary payment made instead of monthly support payments. In the divorce decrees, the spouses agree to the one-time payment and the amount that will be paid.

Why Choose Kings County Spousal Support Lawyers?

At the Carlos Navarrete Law Firm, we understand that these are trying times for both you and your former spouse. We are here to provide you with the compassionate and caring legal counsel and representation you deserve. At our firm, our spousal support attorneys have more than two decades of experience fighting for the rights and interests of our clients in a litany of unique cases. We are ready to put that experience to use for you.

Whether you are seeking permanent or temporary spousal support, are hoping to resolve disputes over unpaid spousal support, or are petitioning the courts to modify your spousal support payments, we are here to offer you honest advice and skilled representation during any negotiation or litigation. We understand the topic of spousal support is often one of the most contentious aspects of a divorce. However, you don’t have to go through it alone.

What Factors Impact Spousal Support Awards in California?

In the state of California, there are several factors that may impact the amount or type of spousal support you are awarded. There might not be a set formula for how a judge awards spousal support, but they will look at certain factors when determining how long payments should be made and what the amount of these payments should be. These factors can include one or a combination of the following:

  • How long the marriage lasted
  • The age of the spouses and their overall physical and mental wellness
  • The paying spouse’s ability to make the alimony payments
  • The income of each spouse
  • The standard of living both spouses experienced in their marriage
  • The tax consequences of the potential spousal support
  • The marketable skills of the receiving spouse or how much their earning capacity suffered due to time taken out of the job market to take care of children or the home during the marriage

It is important to remember, however, that the judge will take into account any factors they deem necessary when making a determination on spousal support awards. Partnering with a spousal support attorney in Kings County will ensure you understand your legal options going into these litigation situations.

FAQs About Kings County, CA Spousal Support Laws

What Is the Average Spousal Support in California?

Unfortunately, there is no way to calculate the average amount of spousal support an individual might receive in California. Because each case is unique, the amounts are typically calculated based on the financial situation of the divorcing couple. In order to determine how much spousal support you might be entitled to, it is wise to consult with a spousal support attorney.

What Disqualifies You From Alimony in California?

In the state of California, there are several factors that might be taken into account that could disqualify one from being able to receive alimony. These can include cheating or abuse during the time of the marriage, a lack of effort in becoming self-sufficient, or not having adequate economic need for support.

How Do I Fight Spousal Support in California?

In the state of California, you might be able to fight for the modification or termination of spousal support terms. This can happen when there is a significant change in circumstances for the paying spouse or the one receiving it. If you are seeking modification or termination of spousal support agreements, you should have bills, receipts, or letters from your employer showcasing your change in circumstances.

What Factors Affect Spousal Support in California?

When the judge is making their final determination on spousal support in the state of California, they will take certain factors into account, including the length of the marriage, the age and well-being of the spouses, what each spouse is capable of earning, and the income of both spouses.

Contact a Trusted Kings County Spousal Support Lawyer Today

If you find yourself dealing with a divorce and the contentious topic of spousal support, it is essential to enlist the assistance of a trusted spousal support lawyer. Contact the Carlos Navarrete Law Firm today to schedule a consultation and let us review your spousal support case.

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